People - A student scolding.
Record ID:
NBAA INP 003-0-3:6/12
Creator/ Author:
Wolfgang Eschenhorn
Creation date:
Record type:
Still Image
Format/ Genre:
Nyksund, Norway
A student scolding the camera is making a dismissive gesture towards the photographer. In the background, a road leads up to building 27 and the church. In the upper right of the picture is the terrace level on which building 23 stands.
The image, negative 5 of film and contact sheet 5, is one of 15 b/w 35 mm negative films with 36 exposures each, mostly taken by Wolfgang Eschenhorn, which document the stay of young people from Neukölln in Nyksund from July 18th to August 23rd, 1987.
Phisical Description:
35mm, black & white, roll film, Ilford HP5, Safety film