Nyksund-Berlin Artistic Archive Logo
Nyksund images − View of the harbour, with buildings and cranes on the sides.

Nyksund images − View of the harbour, with buildings and cranes on the sides.

Record ID:

NBAA INP 003-0-3:6/7

Creator/ Author:

Wolfgang Eschenhorn

Creation date:


Record type:

Still Image

Format/ Genre:



Nyksund, Norway


View from an upper floor of building 54 to the harbour sides of buildings 70, 71, 72 (roof only), 73, 75 (roof), 76 and 77, which are located on Ungsmaløya Island. Building 77 has partially collapsed over the pier. Both storeys of the double quay of building 76 (one half) have collapsed. There are two loading cranes on the upper floor of the quay of building 76. A boat is jacked up with its keel pointing upwards under the upper, roofed quay of building 72. The entrances, hatches and windows of building 76 are open and the window panes are partially broken. The wooden floorboards of the quay are loose, broken or missing. Unused fish drying racks stand on rocks in the background. The sunlit façades of the harbour buildings are reflected in the harbour basin.

The image, negative (no number) of film and contact sheet 5, is one of 15 b/w 35 mm negative films with 36 exposures each, mostly taken by Wolfgang Eschenhorn, which document the stay of young people from Neukölln in Nyksund from July 18th to August 23rd, 1987.

Phisical Description:

35mm, black & white, roll film, Ilford HP5, Safety film

Contributor/ Donator: