Nyksund-Berlin Artistic Archive Logo
Preparation seminar in Kladow - Three participants are sitting at a table and on a low wall.

Preparation seminar in Kladow - Three participants are sitting at a table and on a low wall

Record ID:

NBAA INP 003-0-3:1/16

Creator/ Author:

Wolfgang Eschenhorn

Creation date:


Record type:

Still Image

Format/ Genre:



Spandau, Berlin, Germany


Three young female participants are sitting at a table and on a low wall. Two of them are wearing striped T-shirts and can only be seen from behind. One young woman sitting at the table has her right hand resting on the open brochure: Do you know Nyksund? Her gaze is cast over her right shoulder outside the frame. On the table are some glass jugs from a coffee machine, as well as a tall white jug, a tetra-pack milk carton, cups and plates. In the background is a sunlit field, bordered by a row of conifers.

The photo was taken as part of a weekend seminar from 3 to 5 July 1987 at the Stadtrandfreizeit- und Erholungsstätte Kladow recreation center in Spandau, which belongs to the Neukölln Bezirksamt (City District Authority) of Berlin. The seminar was organized by the Jugendförderung (Youth Support Program) of the Neukölln Bezirksamt to prepare the young people (aged around 16-17), students, and team leader for their joint stay in Nyksund from 18 July to 23 August 1987.

Phisical Description:

35mm, black & white, roll film, Ilford HP5, Safety film

Contributor/ Donator: